Fresh Start Media respects your privacy. The information you provide us with, or that is gathered automatically, helps us to monitor our service and provide you with the services that you are entitled to as a visitor to our website. Emails and forms are treated with the strictest confidentiality.
Please note: this privacy policy only covers the websites belonging to and operated by the Fresh Start Meida. Links within this site to other websites are not covered by this policy.



Fresh Start Media uses cookies on its site. Cookies in themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used. Cookies are not used to collect any personal information. You have the opportunity to set your computer to accept all cookies, to notify you when a cookie is issued, or not to receive cookies at any time. The way in which you do this depends upon the web browser which you use. Please visit If you accept cookies, they may remain on your computer for many years, unless you delete them. Please note that turning off cookies may limit your use of our website and website services.


We will only use personal information you send us for the purposes for which you provide it. We will only hold your information for as long as necessary for these purposes and will not pass it on to any other parties, except where required to carry out our duties and functions as a local authority. All employees and subsidiaries who may have access to your personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.


We will give you the option of using a secure transmission method for more confidential information such as financial or identification data (e.g. credit card details). All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data. We will ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to government institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation.